Apply These 4 Steps To A Healthy Lifestyle.

Do you feel like you are living a healthy lifestyle? In addition to sometimes getting out of the way, most of us do the right thing whenever we can to match our health with good (or at least good) eating habits and physical activity. But is it "healthy?"

Apply These 4 Steps To A Healthy Lifestyle.

According to a recent study, very few adults meet the standards of a healthy lifestyle. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that only 3% of American adults have an optimal score, according to the authors of the four basic criteria for a healthy life. Only 13.8% met the three criteria; 34.2% met only two criteria. Women scored slightly better than men.

See how well you measure the four keys to health researchers:

Do you smoke?

Are you able to maintain a healthy weight (18-25 BMI) or are you successfully losing weight to achieve a healthy weight?

Do you eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily?

Do you exercise 5 times a week for 30 minutes or more?

The good news is, these behaviors should not be foreign to you, because they are all part of the weight loss clinic. The foundation of the WLC program is numbers 2 to 4, habits that we constantly discuss, writing and recommending.

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. If you are one of the lucky ones who is not addicted to nicotine, pat yourself on the back. Smokers, I hope you are working diligently to quit your habit. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of a smoke-free life for your health as well as those around you.

4 steps and more

While those four habits are not exclusive to a healthy lifestyle, it can be argued that there are a few other factors to consider. What will be on your list?

For fun, I came up with a list of my personal top 10 healthy behaviors (beyond the four basics) that contribute to well-being and satisfaction with one's lifestyle:

Brush and floss daily to keep your teeth and gums healthy and disease free.

Rest at night. People who rest well may not only cope better with stress, but also have better control over their appetite. Research has shown that lack of sleep causes our "appetite hormones" to go out of balance - and triggers overeating.

Enjoy a simple family meal. It serves as a good role model for parents, promotes more nutritious food and serves as a platform for lively conversations. Staying close to family and / or friends is a powerful factor in a healthy life.

Laugh and laugh out loud several times a day. It will help you stand up and deal with situations that will drive you insane. Read comics, watch sitcoms or tell jokes to evoke those pleasant feelings.

Meditate, pray or get solace for at least 10-20 minutes every day. Meditation is good for your soul, it helps you to cope with the demands of daily life and also helps in lowering your blood pressure.

Measure a walking distance and let it motivate you to walk, to walk, to walk. Forget how many minutes of activity you need; Do all you can to take more action in your day. No matter how you approach it, physical activity can help reduce stress, burn calories and boost self-esteem.

Standing upright. If you stand tall and tighten your abdominal muscles you will look 5 pounds lighter. Whenever you walk, think “long and hard” to get the most out of the movement.

Try yoga. Postures help to increase strength and flexibility and improve balance. These are especially important areas for the elderly, and can benefit both men and women.

Energize protein. This nutrient is an important part of your diet plan, and can be anywhere from 10% -35% of your total calories. Protein stays in your stomach longer; Combine this with high fiber foods and you will feel full with less calories. Nuts, low - *** Enjoy small portions of dairy, beans, lean meats, poultry or fish.

Finally, maintain a positive attitude. Do your part to see life as "half full of glass". To be successful you need to have confidence in yourself, have a good support system and think positively ("I can do it, I can do it ...").

Apply These 4 Steps To A Healthy Lifestyle.

It’s about you

Your list of healthy lifestyle behaviors may be different than mine. The important thing to remember is that you can make a difference in your health and well-being. Manage your life and remember the small behavioral changes that make your lifestyle healthier.
